Razvan Gamanut

Monash University


Razvan Gamanut has his expertise in comparative connectomics and computational neuroanatomy. His PhD results demonstrate new principles in the organization of the cerebral cortex architecture across species (mouse, rat, microcebus and macaque). He found that, across species, the cortical network is much denser than previously thought. However, as the brain gets larger, there are fewer and much weaker long-distance connections, predicting that long-distance cortico-cortical connections in the much-expanded human cortex could be very weak. This implies an increased susceptibility to disconnection syndromes such as Alzheimer disease and schizophrenia. In his postdoctoral work he conducted anatomy experiments in marmosets, which revealed the composition of the claustrum and the neuronal connections originating in the claustrum and projecting to a group of regions in the cerebral cortex called the Default Mode Network